i miss cutting hair. i miss going to school everyday. i miss seeing my best friends at school. i miss my learning leaders. i miss being busy all day. i miss the crazy clients. i miss the crest runs. i miss having an excuse to wear all black. i miss design team. i miss judy's crazy driving. i miss skipping class to go to the mall. i miss doing up do's. i miss the parties. i miss going to the highschool's and laur hitting on all the boys. i miss eating chocolate doughnuts and dr. pepper for breakfast every morning. i miss aunt kath and our " walking club". i miss doing my hair at school. i miss final phase with michelle. i miss doing crazy colors. i miss waxing eyebrows. i miss the drama with the front desk. i miss brit's hilarious self. i miss being at school more than my home. i miss rukkkkas. i miss caper. i miss hearing winn. i miss our crew. i miss it all. i miss paul mitchell.